0Spin the Wheel cash game promo:
Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Paramount Social will have our spin the wheel cash game promo running. At different times throughout the day, we will pick a random cash game player (randomly choose a table, then high card at the table) to spin our wheel of prizes. There is $1,000 in cash prizes up for grabs, and $400 in tournament seats up for grabs. Spin the wheel and take home the prize. You can win cash or tournament seats. Only cash game players can spin the wheel.
What can I win on the Spin the Wheel promo?
There are 18 spaces on the wheel. 10 cash prizes, 5 free tournament seats, and 3 “whammy’s!”.
What time do you spin the wheel?
2-4 times a day. On Thursdays and Fridays we spin twice. Once between 4pm and 5pm and again between 9pm and 10pm. Saturday and Sundays we spin four times: between 4pm and 5pm, 7pm and 8pm, 10pm and 11pm and the last spin is between Midnight and 1am.
Cash Prizes:
$250 is the top prize, with several $100, $50 and $25 winners on the board!
Free Tournament Seats (we pay for your entry & tournament access fee):
$40 Thursday Night $1,500 GNTD Tournament seats
$40 DEEPSTACK $2,500 GNTD Tournament seats
Win free Daily Membership for a month with the Spin the Wheel promo.
Win free cash game time.
We all know what a whammy is… you guessed it is a big fat Thank You for playing spot on the wheel.
Rules and Regulations:
Each week all the prizes will go back into the Spin the Wheel promo.
You must be playing in a cash game to qualify for a spin
Once a prize is won the square is replaced with a FREE SPIN spot
Each prize can only be won once per week
Each week the prizes will reset
Cash Games must have 5 players minimum to qualify for the promo